ceos   eesa
Capabilities of Earth Observation Satellites
Earth Observation Plans by Measurement
  Catalogue of Satellite Missions  
Recent Events
Current Missions
Future Missions
CEOS/ WMO Database
  Catalogue of Satellite Instruments  


This section gives details of the satellite missions of CEOS members and of the CEOS/WMO database from which much of the data in this handbook is derived.

Nearly all information contained in this catalogue has been gathered from and verified by CEOS agencies, but it should be noted that the launch date and duration of some planned missions is uncertain (e.g. due to changes in funding or policy, changes in requirements, etc.) hence, the accuracy of timelines relating to these missions cannot be guaranteed. If the month of the launch of a planned mission has not been specified, the timeline is shown to commence at the beginning of the planned year of launch. It should also be noted that missions currently operating beyond their planned life are shown as operational until the end of 2008 unless an alternative date has been proposed.

The catalogue of CEOS agency EO satellite missions is arranged both chronologically by launch date and alphabetically by mission name. For each of the missions, the following information is supplied


Mission acronym
Full mission name
Agency acronym

Current: at least the prototype has been launched, and financing is approved for the whole series

Approved: financing is available for the whole series, the prototype is fully defined, the development is in phase C/D

Planned: financing is available up to the end of phase B, financing of the full series is being considered

Considered: conceptual studies and phase A have been completed, financing of phase B is in preparation

Key dates
Launch date
Estimated end of life date
Primary applications
Of those measurements discussed in section 7
Orbit details
Type of orbit
Repeat cycle
LST: Local Solar Time – the time of satellite equator overpass
Longitude (for geostationary orbits) Ascending/descending: whether the satellite crosses the equator in a northbound (ascending) or southbound (descending) direction
For further information via internet




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